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Skewness and Kurtosis

Skewness and Kurtosis

Skewness and kurtosis are also frequently used in addition to the mean and variance as a statistic that indicates the characteristics of the probability distribution. Skewness indicates the degree of asymmetry between the left and right with respect to the center of the distribution, that is, the mean, and kurtosis is an index indicating the sharpness of the peak of the distribution. Skewness and kurtosis can be calculated with Equations 1 and 2, respectively. As shown in these equations, these statistics are the expected values for a new random variable, applying the third and fourth powers to the difference between the random variable and the mean. As a result, skewness and kurtosis are calculated using third and fourth-order moments, respectively.

  • The skewness of the standard normal distribution is 0
  • skewness <0: Distribution skewed to right
  • skewness >0: Distribution skewed to left
$$\begin{align}\tag{1} \text{Skewness}&=E\left(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma} \right)^3\\&=\frac{E(X-\mu)^3}{\sigma^3 } \end{align}$$

  • The kurtosis of the standard normal distribution is 0
  • kurtosis <0: It is sharper than the standard normal distribution.
  • kurtosis >0: less spiky than the standard normal distribution.
$$\begin{align}\tag{2} \text{Kurtosis}&=E\left(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma} \right)^4-3\\&=\frac{E(X-\mu)^4}{\sigma^4}-3 \end{align}$$

Consider a binomial distribution that repeats Bernoulli trials with probability p of success.

The binomial distribution calculates the probability using a combination as in Equation 3.

$$\begin{align}\tag{3}&f(x)=\binom{n}{s}p^s(1-p)^{n-s}\\& n: \text{Total number of trials }\\&s: \text{number of success}\\&p:\text{Probability of success per trial } \end{align}$$

The probability mass function (pmf) of the binomial distribution can be calculated with bionom() of class scipy.stats.binom. For example, try to calculate pmf under the conditions of $\displaystyle n=100, \; p=\frac{1}{10},\; s=10$.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import comb 
#by combination definition
round(comb(100, 10)*(1/10)**10*(1-1/10)**(100-10), 4)
round(stats.binom.pmf(10, 100, 1/10), 4)

The expected value, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of the probability distribution for 10 trials of an event with a probability of success $\displaystyle \frac{1}{10}$ are calculated as follows.

for i in X:
    pmF=np.append(pmF,stats.binom.pmf(i, n, p))
    Eind=np.append(Eind, i*pmF[i])
np.around(pmF, 3)
array([0.349, 0.387, 0.194, 0.057, 0.011, 0.001, 0.   , 0.   , 0.   ,
       0.   , 0.   ])
np.around(E, 3)
np.around(var, 3)
np.around(skw, 3)
np.around(kurt, 3)

The statistics of the distribution calculated above can be calculated using the stats(n, p, moments="mv") method of the scipy.stats.binom class, passing as an argument the type of statistic to calculate. 'm', 'v', 's', and 'k' stand for mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis, respectively.

p=np.array([1/10, 1/2, 8/10])
pmf=stats.binom.pmf(X.reshape(11, 1), n, p)
pd.DataFrame(np.around(pmf, 3), index=X, columns=p)
0.1 0.5 0.8
re=stats.binom.stats(n, p, moments="mvsk")
(array([1., 5., 8.]),
 array([0.9, 2.5, 1.6]),
 array([ 0.84327404,  0.        , -0.47434165]),
 array([ 0.51111111, -0.2       ,  0.025     ]))

Figure 1 is a visualization of the corresponding probability (pmf) for each value of the variable X.

plt.plot(pmf[:,0], label='p=0.1')
plt.plot(pmf[:,1], label='p=0.5')
plt.plot(pmf[:,2], label='p=0.8')
plt.xlabel('x', size=13, weight="bold")
plt.ylabel('PMF', size=13, weight="bold")
Figure1. The shape of the distribution as the probability changes.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[Linear Algebra] 유사변환(Similarity transformation)

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[matplotlib] 히스토그램(Histogram)

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R 미분과 적분

내용 expression 미분 2차 미분 mosaic를 사용한 미분 적분 미분과 적분 R에서의 미분과 적분 함수는 expression()함수에 의해 생성된 표현식을 대상으로 합니다. expression expression(문자, 또는 식) 이 표현식의 평가는 eval() 함수에 의해 실행됩니다. > ex1<-expression(1+0:9) > ex1 expression(1 + 0:9) > eval(ex1) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > ex2<-expression(u, 2, u+0:9) > ex2 expression(u, 2, u + 0:9) > ex2[1] expression(u) > ex2[2] expression(2) > ex2[3] expression(u + 0:9) > u<-0.9 > eval(ex2[3]) [1] 0.9 1.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 미분 D(표현식, 미분 변수) 함수로 미분을 실행합니다. 이 함수의 표현식은 expression() 함수로 생성된 객체이며 미분 변수는 다음 식의 분모의 변수를 의미합니다. $$\frac{d}{d \text{변수}}\text{표현식}$$ 이 함수는 어떤 함수의 미분의 결과를 표현식으로 반환합니다. > D(expression(2*x^3), "x") 2 * (3 * x^2) > eq<-expression(log(x)) > eq expression(log(x)) > D(eq, "x") 1/x > eq2<-expression(a/(1+b*exp(-d*x))); eq2 expression(a/(1 + b * exp(-d * x))) > D(eq2, "x") a * (b * (exp(-d * x) * d))/(1 + b