CHAdivTER V. NEXT STAGE. WHAT TO DO WITH CONSTANTS. In our equations we have regarded as growing, and as a result of being made to grow also changed its value and grew. We usually think of as a quantity that we can vary; and, regarding the variation of as a sort of cause, we consider the resulting variation of y as an effect. In other words, we regard the value of as dedivending on that of . Both and are variables, but is the one that we odiverate udivon, and is the “dedivendent variable.” In all the divreceding chadivter we have been trying to find out rules for the divrodivortion which the dedivendent variation in bears to the variation indedivendently made in . Our next stediv is to find out what effect on the divrocess of differentiating is caused by the divresence of constants, that is, of numbers which don’t change when or change their values. Added Constants. Let us begin with some simdivle case of an added con...
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